4 Ways An Office Rental Can Improve Your Work-Life Balance

Many of us today are focused on balancing our lives. The pandemic certainly put a lot of things in perspective. Wanting to spend time with family members and friends because life is too short. A few years ago, many of us were either given the choice or asked to work from home. Some of my friends were so excited about working from home! The luxury of rolling out of bed – throwing on a pair of comfy jeans and a tee, grabbing a coffee and walking 6 feet to the makeshift home office seemed like a dream. We didn’t have to even think about ‘the commute’ and one of the perks; not having to wait until we got home to throw a load of laundry in! So yes, there is a little wiggle room and flexibility working from home. However, no one told me I would be chasing my little dog out of the room as she was trying to tell me that someone was at my door while I was on an important zoom call! Or those with little tots, crying because they needed a nap or hungry or both!
Slowly some of us are feeling a little more normalcy in our lives. Getting back into the office, facing the commute and getting dressed! Some are still working from home and say they love it…but do they? Here are 4 reasons an office rental will improve the work-life balance that may have been muddled over the last couple years:
1. Define Boundaries
The work-life balancing act can become quite blurred. That fine line between your work time and personal time can overlap so easily. Finishing up dinner so you can get back to work to finish a project. Years ago the attitude was; ‘it will be there tomorrow’. Working from home there seems to be the attitude of ‘if I get it done now, it’s out of the way’, sacrificing our personal time to complete the task. Or, it can present itself negatively when procrastination can rear it’s ugly head and nothing gets done! I read not too long ago that working at home for some is like an isolation silo. Some might even become a hermit, being alone would become normal and not have the drive or motivation to be with people! We all need people in our lives – our mental health does matter.
2. Productivity Is Improved by How you Feel
Dress for success. My husband worked in an office that was in an industrial park. When he was hired – all the office staff came in track pants – sloppy clothes and lounge wear. He wore a dress shirt, dress pants and tie. He was questioned about his attire. He response – I’m dressed for work. I feel empowered and more productive when I’m dressed for my job. The other office staff slowly started to change their attire. Within a month – all office staff came ‘dressed for work’. His employer couldn’t thank him enough. Productivity had jumped to an all-time high. Work was getting done! Even their physical demeanor change. The slouching laid back attitude took a back seat at that office! Those that work from home often joke about how they are dressed for work on top and ready for bed on the bottom. Maybe we all should take a closer look at our productivity when we aren’t ‘dressed’ for work.
3. Working in the Traditional Office Setting
This model has worked well for many companies for years. Working alongside your colleagues and having that face time brainstorming and collaboration. It also allows you to intensively dig deep without distractions. There is something about showing up to work – ready to work. Having human interaction day to day is not only beneficial to your health but also accountability plays a role in the areas of productivity and on the flip side over-working. There is always that peer that can keep us in check.
4. Having a Traditional Office Also Gives Us the Opportunity to Network
Connection and friendships are formed within the walls of the office that can easily spill out into the public. Getting to know others in your office, what their interests are and what they love to do outside the office! Who knows – maybe you will find someone that has similar interests and friendships are formed. You wont’ be faced with the ‘home life’ distractions getting in the way. Coming to the office keeps our home life and office life separate. Most often we can come to work and leave the home life issues we are facing at the door.
Let us help you find a space to suit your needs. AppleSuites Oakville has so much to offer! Executive style single and double occupancy offices and two boardrooms. Incoming and outgoing mail and courier services. A common area with a fridge to keep your lunch cold, Keurig coffee maker, kettle and microwave. Don’t worry about dishes from home – we have that covered as well! We are RIGHT beside the Bronte Go Train if you need to slip into the GTA for a meeting! We even have a concierge to greet your guests. Come check us out at 700 Third Line in Oakville!
More About Apple Suites
Since our opening in September 2010, we’ve been providing the finest in rented office space with the ability to meet the demands of a broad range of business clients. Our goal has always been to combine cutting-edge with comfort to create preeminent working conditions where businesses can truly thrive.
Our flexibility is what makes our office space unlike any other. We offer month-to-month rental options for executive suites and day offices, as well as virtual offices for those without need of a dedicated office space. Our tenants gain access to a fully equipped boardroom, kitchen and servery, printing and copy centre, reception services, high speed internet, and more.
In addition to offering the amenities you need to run your business, most of our locations uniquely provide access to self storage, allowing you to run the logistics side of your business with ease. We even have staff on hand that can co-ordinate couriers and deliveries without requiring your direct intervention.
We look forward to helping you meet your business goals by providing you with modern conveniences in a comfortable and professional working environment.
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