3 Reasons to Store Winter Gear in a Storage unit

It’s that time of year where we can never be sure when the snow will suddenly end. While you’re waiting for that to happen, it’s good to start thinking about the best place to store all your winter gear. Winter sports gear could take up the most room in a home, but using a storage unit will help declutter your closets for the following season’s equipment. Also known as Spring Cleaning. When you do take your final run for the winter season, where do you put all that bulky winter gear? Follow these 5 tips to help you store your winter gear away in a storage unit:
1. Storage units protect from theft
When you live in a small house, have no space in the garage or just lack a garage overall, finding places for bulky winter sports items can be difficult and take up too much-needed space. A storage unit could double as a security monitored garage for those big items like your snowmobile, snowboard, and ski equipment. You may consider using a storage unit for your winter vacation home! Instead of leaving it in an unguarded home for half a year, store your winter gear in a safe and secured unit nearby.
2. Storage units help preserve your winter equipment
Keeping items in a temperature fluctuating place like a garage can actually do more damage to your equipment than you know! It is important to keep your ski or snowboard equipment in a cool and dark place, because if it’s kept in temperatures too hot it can ruin the lamination and glue that binds the layers of the gear together. Also before putting it away, apply a layer of hot wax to the bases to protect them from oxidation. An important tip for ski boots is keep the buckles loosely closed! If buckles are left open they will lose their shape and make it difficult to fasten for next winter.
3. Storage units help to remove winter items from your home
When you lack the space in your home to keep every seasonal item, a storage unit can be a second closet. There are many storage unit sizes to choose from, but it’s also how you organize the space that can impact your storage and your expensive winter equipment. Although it’s obvious a storage unit can be used to declutter, here’s 2 further tips to get the most out of your unit:
Store winter clothing in containers
You’ve probably seen someone vacuum packing all their clothes to make them fit better for storage, this is not advisable. The best way to store your winter garments is to keep them in containers, like plastic bins or wardrobe boxes. Most items, like clothing, need air flow to breathe and not become too dried out. Also be sure to wipe down your boots, make sure items are not wet, and wash clothing before storing. Take a look at our Apple Wardrobe Boxes measure 24” x 29.5” x 45” and are equipped with a bar for hanging clothing.
Organize winter items on storage shelves
Using shelves in a storage unit will help create walking room. Remove bulky items from heavy traffic areas and organize your winter items on a shelf. Stacking items like snowboards, skating, and ski equipment, neatly on shelves will keep them off the floor and away from potential damage. You may want to move what you currently need to a lower shelf and put the winter seasonal items up higher.
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