Christmas Shopping Online? 6 Secret Alternative Delivery Addresses

Doing your Christmas shopping online is certainly convenient. The only catch is making sure that all your gifts arrive safely and remain secret until the big day. Fortunately, there are options for alternative delivery addresses.
We asked Michelle Milley, site manager at Apple Self Storage in Kitchener, what she’d suggest. She offered up six great ways to keep your parcels out of the hands of “porch pirates” who knick packages sitting on the front porch, as well as hidden away from curious family and friends who just can’t wait to find out what’s in the box!
1. Check out Santa’s Secret Storage
The perfect place to receive and hide your Christmas gifts is as close as your nearest Apple Self Storage location. And it’s free! You can direct your postage and courier deliveries to one of our 31 locations and we’ll hold them for free up until December 24th.
You can arrange a delivery for any time during the day and we’ll hold onto it for you. When you’re ready to pick up your gifts, just drop by during normal business hours from Monday to Saturday.
If after the holiday season you want to continue using Apple Self-Storage for your online deliveries, a low monthly service charge of $29.95 will apply.
2. Ship it to a local UPS store or FedEx store [select local pickup]
If you don’t want to receive your packages at home or if you’re out of town for the holidays, have your Christmas gifts sent to a nearby courier’s office. You can usually arrange this service online or by giving them a call. You’ll need a photo ID to collect your packages.
3. Ship gifts to a friend’s house to pick up later
Isn’t this what friends are for? It’s also a good excuse to pop by for a visit and share some holiday cheer.
4. Ship to a relative’s house to pick up later
If you have relatives nearby … and you’re not shipping their gift to their house, this is also a good choice. Once again, it’s a nice opportunity to drop by for a festive visit.
5. Ship it to where you live in discreet packaging [if offered]
Some companies will offer a plain packaging option. However, a box is a box and it begs the questions of what’s inside. So if you’re trying to hide packages from family members, this may not be your best choice.
6. Rent a Personal Mail Box (PMB) at your local pack and ship store.
Besides Santa’s Secret Storage, there’s also another option to check out at Apple Self Storage – a mailbox rental service. Mailboxes are available to most Apple locations and come in two sizes: 6″x 6″ and 6″x 12″. The beauty of this service is that it’s accessible 24 hours per day, 7 days a week … and we’ll notify you when we receive your mail.
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Apple Self Storage has 33 storage unit facilities across Ontario and Atlantic Canada. Our facility managers provide friendly, personalized advice to help you pick the right self storage solution. Our flexible plans offer the perfect solution for personal, student and business needs. At Apple Self Storage you can be sure satisfaction is always 100% guaranteed. For more information click here to contact us or call 1-866-880-6698 to find your storage solution today.